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The Failure of the Democrats — 10 Comments

  1. I always said the reason why I am different from most of my family and my “crowd” is because I got turned on to reading when I was a little kid living in Jersey City and the bookmobile came down our street. I couldn’t BELIEVE they let us take out the books for FREE! I got lucky. The first book I chose, because of the picture on the cover, was a classic–Stewart Little by E.B. White. It started a lifelong love of reading and I believe reading has taught me to be open-minded and tolerant of others who are different. I even read what I don’t understand, for example, if the words are not in my vocabulary. I’ll push through it. I figure something might take. Of course nowadays, incredulously since this is 2011, we are up against the likes of people like Sarah Palin who want to ban books and the Texas government who are changing text books to fit their philosophical beliefs. It reminds me of “1984.” Which is ironic since that “don’t-tell-me-what-to-do” war cry is what the tea baggers are all about. But of course “don’t-tell-me-what-to-do” really means “I am right and you are wrong and we’re doing it my way you dirty Muslim, immigrant, atheist, queer,”–just fill in anything that’s different. And the rich corporations are capitalizing on that. Because people are too stupid to catch on because they don’t read!

  2. And people believe what they see on TV! Worst of all is Fox News masquerading as real news. Dan Casey of The Roanoke Times just wrote an interesting article making fun of some tea baggers’ whacko conspiracy theories and he asked one of the extremists why he believed some lunatic idea–I can’t remember exactly what it was right now–and the guy said, “Because I read it on the Internet.” Ha! It must be true because it was on the Internet. So where do people get their real news and true information from? How to decipher what is real and what is not? Bill Maher, my favorite commentator/comedian, agrees with you about the American people being the most entertained and the least educated people in the world. He’s always saying how stupid everyone is. I’ve got to say, it’s pretty true.

    • How do you get real news and true information? First, there is no such thing as “real” or “true”. Everything is subjective when it comes to human actions. The ability to read and the ability to think critically are two entirely different things. So when someone says it must be true because they read it on the Internet, that says a whole lot more about the person who said it than the Internet. Is something true because it appears in The National Enquirer or The Star? I didn’t think so. The best way to find the truth is to read widely. Start with the classics, either fiction or non-fiction. Television is beyond horrible. Read Marshall McLuhan’s classic about the media, Understanding Media: the Extensions of Man.

  3. The answer is for people to stop watching the spin-meisters on TV and to start reading and learning about what is really happening in this country. But that won’t happen – Americans are the most entertained and least educated people on the face of the earth. The ruling elite is very happy to see that situation continue. I don’t share your opinion that Obama is “sincere about caring for the regular guy”. If you’ll do some investigation into his background, you will find that he cares not a whit for the regular guy. The health plan is a boondoggle for private insurance companies. If you want socialism, you will be an advocate for single-payer. Government is the collective expression of the will of the people but because 90% of the people don’t participate in government in any meaningful way, that collective expression turns out to be the will of the elite. They control the dialog by determining what appears in the papers and on TV. Turn off the damn TV!!!

  4. It said this in that article you included the link for: “While the Democrats have compromised again and again on economic issues that might have brought real relief to the unemployed, the Tea Party continued to direct all of its anger, its threats, its waving of guns in the direction of the man in the White House and his allies. The billionaires who poured cash into the Tea Party got their money’s worth by deflecting outrage onto the president.” THAT’S what’s happening. That’s what I mean by Obama being blamed for everything and I think he’s doing the best that he can and I truly feel that he is sincere about caring about the regular guy even though he has compromised more than some of us wanted. He is extremely intellingent and sometimes you have to lose a few battles to win the war. I hope that article is right and the rich people are getting scared that they’ve pushed us too far. For years we’ve all been saying “the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.” It is so true. And now it’s at catastrophic levels. What’s the answer Jeff? I was thinking about you today when I was driving. I was thinking, it would be real nice if we could just become a socialistic society but big change like that doesn’t happen easily. Little baby steps. The health care plan, though not nearly enough, is one baby step. Or we could become dog trainers!

  5. Okay, I finally got a chance to read it. It sounds like he’s saying Obama orchestrated this shrewd maneuver for reelection. Obama somehow gets blamed again. I don’t think it’s that simple. But perhaps he is more clever than we thought. Perhaps he gave the Republicans a run for their money by letting them make assholes of themselves. I don’t blame Obama. I give him credit. I hope this enables him to win again because then maybe this country will get on its feet.

    As far as the Republicans not having any good candidates for the next reelection. Don’t underestimate Perry from Texas. He is well-loved by the screaming right wingers and he comes across as “normal.” The average person who doesn’t spend a lot of time reading and deciphering, even some Democrats, will vote for him because he’s good looking. He is a big threat. He lives with Big Oil and is tied up with pharmaceutical companies. He even changed laws in Texas to increase the required vaccines kids have to get before they go to school because his mother-in-law works for Merck.

    Anyway, I don’t know the details yet but it appears they’ve come to some sort of an agreement.

    • I don’t see where he blamed Obama at all. He merely provided an explanatory framework for understanding what he is doing. Whether the author’s thesis is right or wrong will be discovered in time. So you think the outcome of this manufactured debt crisis is good for the workers in this country? Some sort of agreement is right – it’s called stealing from the poor and giving to the rich. Some agreement! Why do people consistently shoot themselves in the feet? I don’t doubt that Rick Perry could get elected because of his “good looks”. Stupid Americans. The right wing will drag all of us down to Hell just so they can be rich. I’ve got news for them: keep it up and they will all be looking at the wrong end of a gun barrel.

    • I read a very interesting perspective on the whole spectacle at Vichy Democrats that goes into detail about the Machiavellian tactics that the author says Obama is using. The author’s thesis is believable, to be sure, but it doesn’t change the fact that Obama is a pawn of Wall Street and that the outcome of the manufactured crisis will not be good for working people. I say manufactured crisis because the debt ceiling has been raised some 40 times in the last 70 years – this is nothing new. The fact that the Tea Party has tied the debt ceiling to cutting taxes may well be their swan song. It looks like Boehner may well lose his job as Speaker of the House because of the Tea Party shenanigans.

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