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Uncivil Discourse — 4 Comments

  1. No, northerners don’t pick on southerners up there. They think they’re charming.

    The culture of the south was destroyed? Aw, that’s too bad we can’t keep slaves anymore. All sarcasm aside, cultures are a changing, evolving growing thing everywhere. Culture is alive. We have a lot of people in this world and we’re able to travel and communicate now. People put in their two cents and their opinions and try to improve things in every area of the country and the world, and the culture changes naturally. Jersey City is nothing like it was when I was growing up. There are more people there who are “different,” (the wops and the micks have moved out, lol) and they add to the stew whether I like it or not. No one likes change. Because we’re all doing it right. The southerners don’t want to be told what to do. They are bossier and more set in their ways than the north because the north is used to the influx of different cultures. Who wants things to change when we are doing it right? Discrimination is because people are scared to change. It’s a threat. I would like to embrace and accept all cultures in this country while cherishing what makes us unique–how we celebrate holidays, worship, dress, eat, etc. I think we can do that without stepping on each other’s toes. Agreeing to disagree. Finding a middle ground. And therefore I am on my way to the local Baptist church to partake in some of the culture around here.

    • It’s all about those who have power and those who don’t, Debi. Those who have power persecute those who don’t with very predictable results that we see over and over and over again, world-wide. Are Southerners ridiculed in the North? Possibly not, because those who live in the North didn’t experience the destruction of their culture, can’t imagine what that might be like, and thus don’t comprehend the resentment that results in barbs about “Yankees”. You might read up on the Reconstruction period in American history to better understand Southern feelings about Yankees.

  2. I haven’t heard “wop” in a long time. We are shanty Irish Catholics, lol.

    I feel sorry for immigrants. They DO get picked on. They all have a history. And blacks. Don’t get me started on that. You know how I hate racism.

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