HomeIdeasIs There Hope?


Is There Hope? — 2 Comments

  1. Jeff, I’m going to have to come back to finish reading but I wanted to tell you there was an editorial in The Roanoke Times about how the corporations/conservatives have used religion to get their way because how can you argue against that? If God says it, there is no argument, no matter how rational or how much evidence is shown. Maybe the liberals need to invoke the power of God as well–“God doesn’t want strip mining or war or people to die because they don’t have health care.”


  2. Jeff,

    Here’s a small dose of hope from a true Cynic:

    To make a sustainable economy, an equitable environment, towards a permanent culture, we need to evolve away from an investor/lender class with their inflationary and unrealistic aggravated growth paradigm and evolve to an equity sharing paradigm.

    We need a financial/economic system that is motivated by the drive to meet peoples’ needs, both in the short and long term, quite different from the speculative, profit-taking system that is extant.

    Locally based equity unions, with inter-community, inter-regional unity and cooperation focused on community betterment projects, programs and policies would be the ideal world economic/financial system.

    A mission of peace, world unity and cooperation based on the fundamental principles of inclusion, equity, humanity, altruism, quality of life in lieu of the maximization of consumption and waste, environmental/public health and wellness, and sustainability would underlie a “plan and implement” modus operandi in lieu of the selfish, largely unprincipled meanderings of the so-called “free market”

    Village/neighborhood sovereignty, economic democracy, and environmental equity would be inculcated in such a system. A more fair and just balance between competitive advantage and comparative advantage would be sought, and the community/environmental improvement for all, starting with those most in need, would be paramount.

    Can I submit this as a proposal to the UN General Assembly?

    In Peace, Friendship, Community, Cooperation, and Solidarity,

    Mike Morin
    Eugene, OR, USA
    (541) 343-3808

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