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Promoting Civil Society — 2 Comments

  1. You have done a very good job of articulating and outlining the various issues of importance. The problem is that as a general proposition, the people who take the time to digest your thoughts are your chorus and are already willing to engage in civil discourse, even if they disagree with some of what you express.

    My concern is about those who hold rigid, steadfast views and are not willing to entertain the views of others. I generated a piece some time ago about different perspectives and the need to appreciate the perspectives of others.

    • Reggie,

      Thank you for your comments. I’ve spent many hours researching the right-wing populist phenomenon and you will understand that if you delve into the links that I have provided in the sidebar. It is indeed true that “the people who take the time to digest your thoughts are your chorus and are willing to engage in civil discourse” and I have never disagreed with that. In fact, I have taken the liberty of not approving comments made by those who virulently disagree with what I have to say. Those comments are rare, though. I have no problem engaging in reasoned discourse; the problem is that those whom you are concerned about (“those who hold rigid, steadfast views”) will never change, in my estimation. If you would read my posts entitled “Extremism Revisited” and “Ritual Defamation Revisited”, I think you will understand what I am saying. I have no problem with different perspectives, but perspectives rooted in a right-wing-authoritarian worldview are not worthy of consideration. As Chip Berlet writes, it is time to move on. RWAs are implacable and cannot be reasoned with. I am over trying to reason with RWAs. It is simply not possible. Read those “Revisited” posts once again.

      Again, thanks for visiting and I welcome comments on future posts. I visited your site and read several posts and see that you have some commentators who don’t agree but who continue to comment. I find that intriguing, because virtually no one comments on my posts who doesn’t also agree, to some extent. Many apparently read them but do not comment. I blog mostly to clarify my own thoughts, not to convert others. I am moving into the subject of how corporations evolved and how that journey has destroyed democracy in this country. There are no end to the topics that interest me!

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