HomeBuildingRealizing a Life’s Dream, Part 2

The driveway is finished. One of my neighbors took the following pictures:

View from top of hill.jpg

This view is from near the top of the hill, looking down towards the road. Quite a difference from the previous picture, huh?

Road around curve and over hill.jpg

This view is taken by turning around from the place the previous picture was taken from and looking up towards the top of the hill.

Road into turnaround.jpg

This is the temporary end of the road, where I had the turnaround built. The pile of debris straight ahead are the stumps that were removed from the route of the driveway. The next step is to get a surveyor to stake two property lines and mark the trees closest to the boundary with blue blazes so that Jason Rutledge can perform his “worst first” forestry later in the Spring. After that is done, I will have a better idea of where the house site will be and the route for extending the driveway.


Realizing a Life’s Dream, Part 2 — 2 Comments

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