HomePoliticsWho Is a Socialist?

I’m less than amused (but not surprised) that Sarah Palin is accusing Barack Obama of being a socialist. Here is a direct quote from the esteemed Governor, as recorded by Philip Gourevitch, of The New Yorker magazine:

“We’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs.”

The esteemed Governor was referring to the checks that are handed out to every man, woman and child in the State of Alaska, money that comes from extraction taxes levied on the oil companies pumping oil on the North Slope.

I guess Ms. Palin needs to go look up the definition of the word “socialism” before she accuses anyone of being one. Perhaps the old adage of pointing a finger at someone else applies here? You know, the one that says to be careful when you point a finger at someone else, because three fingers are pointing back at you?


Who Is a Socialist? — 1 Comment

  1. For one thing, she doesn’t know the difference between Communism and Socialism. Or she was hoping most voters didn’t know. Many didn’t. Good grief, today there is something going around about Hitler and Obama.

    What’s so bad about Socialism anyway? We practice Socialism in a lot of ways–the public school system, roads, police, etc. I didn’t dare ask that question during the election.


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