HomeIdeasHatred in America

While doing some followup research on Bill Ayers, the subject of the previous post, I found his blog and read some of the posts. What I found most fascinating were the comments. Many were rational and sane and many more were borderline psychopathic. I admire Bill Ayers’ courage in allowing those hateful comments to stand, unedited, for they show how far we have to go in our journey towards a peaceful future. I do hope that Mr. Ayers has taken measures to protect himself – some of those hateful people very likely have the capability of engaging in capital offenses.

I honestly don’t see any difference at all in the tone of the hateful comments on his blog and comments by those who belong to hate groups monitored by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

What makes these people tick? Why are they so angry and filled with hatred? I can’t understand how anyone so filled with rage can get out of bed in the morning to face another day.


Hatred in America — 3 Comments

  1. People that spout hate can probably be most easily cast in a sociopath mold, so they’re really not putting a lot of thought into the effect of their words/actions.

    OT – just found your blog doing a search on unions. Pretty cool place you have here 🙂

    • Thanks, Aldea! You are correct, “sociopath” is probably a better word to use than “psychopath”, though I’m not sure that “sociopath” fits well, either, since a sociopath usually has extreme anti-social attitudes and many of these hate-mongers belong to mega churches, where there are certainly social networks. I’m still trying to figure it out – it has something to do with authoritarianism and mass movements, I think.

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