HomePoliticsRolling Stone articles on John McCain & Sarah Palin

I read this article in Rolling Stone some time ago and thought it a bit over-the-top, in its’ characterization of John McCain. Still, I think it is useful to read, for even if it exaggerates, it doesn’t do so by much.

Both John McCain and Sarah Palin are asking the question of “Who is Barack Obama?” I think it is fair to turn the tables and ask “Who is John McCain?” and “Who is Sarah Palin?”

Here is the companion piece to the article on John McCain. This one offers a critical observation of Sarah Palin.

One thing that puzzles me is that there is almost no media coverage of John McCain’s association with Charles Keating. It somehow is quite all right for John McCain and Sarah Palin to engage in the guilt-by-association smear of Barack Obama when they try to tie him to William Ayers, but the media give McCain a free pass when it comes to the Keating Five affair.

Here is a video that covers the same ground as the article in the National Review Online, which I have linked to above.

Of course, the True Believers in McCain and Palin will attempt to divert attention from the themes covered in the above articles and video by attacking the character of Barack Obama. Sad.


Rolling Stone articles on John McCain & Sarah Palin — 3 Comments

  1. Colleen,

    I think Barack Obama is taking the high road and declining to wallow in the mud with the pigs by not fighting fire with fire. In my mind, those who think Palin acted honorably (and there are plenty) will not have their minds changed by a man whom they disrespect. I may not have understood the context of your question, though, because I do not own a TV and thus did not watch the “debate”.


    Makes you wonder just how “liberal” the media really is, doesn’t it? Thanks for your comment!

  2. How about where’s the media coverage re his association with criminal types like G. Gordon Liddy? Or how about Palin’s association with a group that wants to have Alaska leave the union? Or how about …so many other things. Latest hypocrisy- RNC sending robo calls out directly accusing Obama as working closely with Ayers, the terrorist. Uh…I’m still waiting for McCain to “repudiate” that!

  3. And I wondered why when asked in last night’s debate if he thought Palin was qualified, why Barack wouldn’t have mentioned that the recent finding of her ethics violation, followed by a question like…does that sound like a reformer of corruption?

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