Summertime in Floyd

I haven’t disappeared – I’ve been on vacation! I left for Floyd on June 23 and stopped at the Greek restaurant just outside of Willis for a gyro before getting into Floyd around 1 p.m. I found that the owner Continue reading →

Making Biochar

After some thought and some research, I’ve changed my mind about buying lump charcoal. It really isn’t that hard to make your own but there are some “start-up” costs involved. Humans have been making charcoal for thousands of years and Continue reading →


I’m catching up on my back issues of Acres, U.S.A. and read an interesting article about something called Conditioned Taste Avoidance (CTA) that can be applied to predators, including coyotes. The idea of CTA has been around for quite some Continue reading →

Memorial Day Thoughts

Contrarian that I am, you shouldn’t expect me to glorify Memorial Day – I’ll leave that to others. Yes, I am a veteran (U.S. Navy, 1968-1972), but I don’t want anyone’s thanks, because I joined (after losing a college deferment Continue reading →

Spring in South Florida

I’ve learned that folks who haven’t visited South Florida have the misconception that there is no winter here. While it doesn’t get cold by northern standards, the plants do slow down and many actually lose their leaves. Among native trees, Continue reading →