HomeIdeasRescuing Conservatism from the Fringe Right


Rescuing Conservatism from the Fringe Right — 1 Comment

  1. I think you might find this worthy of a moment of your time…

    The TRUE American Civil Religion should encapsulate all that is purely American. It should be characterized as simply an effort to unite Americans around all of those entities and similarities which have made this nation so uniquely historic and exceptional. Those who believe that the ACR is a divisive tool rather than a uniting force should realize that the TRUE ACR champions all that is American. This includes diversity. This includes the old adage that this nation was and always will be a “melting pot” for all races and nationalities of immigrants. This includes acceptance of our cultural differences because in those differences we have formed an American culture which is absolutely distinct from any that exists elsewhere. The TRUE ACR is one that appreciates the differences and dissimilarities that exist between all Americans but focuses on their commonalities and similarities rather than taking a negative approach and focusing on that which divides us.

    Some will argue that this is merely an outgrowth of “American Exceptionalism” and argue that such a movement or effort will have a negative influence with its impact and perception in a global community. As for those “scholars;” we will acknowledge their point of view and remind them that this great nation is what has allowed them the freedom to share it; and we will simply accept what they have to say and move forward all the same. While the United States must recognize its relationship to a global community, it is far more important to recognize its responsibility to Americans. This does not mean that the US should take an isolationist posture. It simply means that creating a new generation of American apologists is not simply an option. As a nation, we are not without flaws. As a citizenry, we are not without arrogance, contempt, and resentment. However, as a nation we should be proud of what our country stands for and the role it has played in the global community. While our detractors may only focus on our missteps, we should focus our attention on our successes; our compassion; our charity; and our continued pursuit of liberty for all God’s children. It is without question that those who believe that the United States should take a more humble and reverent approach to self perception will be highly critical of this rhetoric. For those citizens of that belief we must offer our support and accept them as our brothers, but we must not let their ill feelings toward this great nation detract us from the ultimate realization and celebration of our nation’s greatness. American pride should be more than a bumper sticker or theory whispered for fear of being heard. It should be promoted and felt within the hearts of all Americans without guilt or apology.


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