HomePoliticsThose Horrible Conservatives

Continuing the previous post, and with tongue still firmly in cheek regarding the titles of these two posts, I would like to now define a Conservative. Again, this post relies on the observations of Mr. Sullivan, who is the author of this website. I am going to take a little different approach with this post, since in other posts I have lambasted the crop of politicians and ideologues that we have suffered for the last 30 years. After each defining characteristic, I am going to offer up my opinion of those who now claim to be Conservatives.

1. Belief in natural law — Morality is not a subjective concept that is definable by humans. Instead, morality is defined by a higher power and rights are conferred upon us by that higher power, not by governments.

Why have the current crop of “conservatives” rammed through laws that support their agenda? If morality is defined by a higher power and rights are conferred upon us by that higher power, why the reliance on appointing Supreme Court justices and judicial positions throughout the government with moral qualifications? To counter the pernicious effects of those horrible Liberals? A belief in small government and morality derived from a higher power would seem to dictate a tolerant, “hands-off” approach to governing, as long as no harm is done.

2. Belief in established institutions — Conservatives believe that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the basis for the best kind of government possible. They also believe in the rule of law and in good government.

According to Bush, the “Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper”. Not only is he blaspheming God, but he is also violating one of the core principles of a Conservative.

3. Preference for liberty over equality — While respecting the principle of equality, Conservatives believe more strongly in freedom. That is, the freedom to live life according to their own principles, without government interference.

If homosexuals desire to join in a civil union, to obtain the legal benefits of that status, where does the government get off denying that wish? This country, contrary to the beliefs of these so-called “conservatives”, was NOT founded on the Bible. Were the Founders Christian? Certainly. Did they write the Constitution while consulting the Bible? No. This country was founded on a separation of Church and State. Do churches have the right to refuse to perform a religious ceremony celebrating the union of a homosexual couple? Absolutely. Can the State join a homosexual couple in a civil union without the blessing of a Church? Absolutely.

4. Suspicion of power – and of human nature — While Liberals profess to believe that humans are basically good, Conservatives believe that humans are basically sinful and that to concentrate power, without checks and balances, will result in tyranny. Thus, conservatives are very suspicious of big government.

You’d never believe that those trying to pass themselves off as Conservatives for the last 30 years believe in this. Particularly Bush. The national debt and the government has grown exponentially under the watch of the Republican Party in the last 30 years. Bush, with his “signing statements”, should be tried and convicted (yes, impeached!) for violating the checks and balances of our system of government.

5. Belief in exceptionalism — Conservatives believe that there really are people with superior abilities and they believe that those people deserve the right to develop and use those natural gifts. This leads into the last defining characteristic of a Conservative:

Bill Gates may well be a person with superior abilities, but if so, he doesn’t need government assistance in maintaining his monopoly. Not if you are a Conservative. There is nothing in the Conservative philosophy that proposes that people with superior abilities should be protected from other people with equally superior abilities.

6. Belief in the individual — Conservatives believe in that each individual is responsible for his own choices and his own development. Choices cannot be made by other individuals and they particularly cannot be made by

If choice belongs to the individual, then why did the State of Florida pass a law prohibiting the removal from life support of Terri Schiavo? And why did the Federal Government support that “law”?

I will follow up this post with another, again using the resources of Mr. Sullivan’s website, that will shed some light on the questions I pose after each of the defining characteristics of a Conservative. Enough for now.


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